We believe that music is the core to education and must be available to all students. The Mountain View High School Band Department serves over 125 students. Students are encouraged to expand their musical interests by participating in our educational programs!

Every sponsorship and gift matters and provides life-changing experiences for our students. No matter the size, every gift has an impact on our educational programs and students we serve each year and the upcoming years as well. Please consider partnering with us today!
If you have questions about giving to MVHS Bands or to get more information, please contact the Director of Bands at barro.joshua@westada.org.

Donate – Every bit of donation matters!

Wish List – Here you’ll find specific items that would help our band program immensely. These are items we will eventually plan to purchase, but do not currently have the funds for.

Sponsorship – We are always looking for businesses to partner with! Our advertisements are shown at football games, basketball games, and concerts!

Volunteer – The best way to get involved with the MVHS Band Program is by volunteering! We’re always looking for help with food prep/serving, chaperoning, photography, videography, and more! Click the link to sign up!

Band Boosters – You can find all the information about our Band Boosters here!

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