Ensembles Offerings

MVHS Symphonic Band Spring 2022

Marching Band/Symphonic Band
Woodwind or Brass students in grades 9-12. Students in this ensemble are committed to the full year starting with marching band in August, September, and October then transitioning over to Symphonic Band in November for the rest of the school year.

During the Symphonic Season there will be two after-school rehearsals a week prior to each performance.

*all percussionists must only be signed up for Percussion Ensemble*

MVHS Concert Band Spring 2022

Concert Band
The Concert Band ensemble is meant primarily for Woodwind or Brass students in grades 9-12 not participating in marching band or students in grades 10-12 interested in playing their primary instrument more or learning a new instrument.

This ensemble has four scheduled concerts and a festival performance. There will be two after-school rehearsals a week prior to each performance.

*all percussionists must only be signed up for Percussion Ensemble*

MVHS Varsity Jazz Band Spring 2022

Jazz Band I
The Mountain View Jazz Band I plays a variety of genres and styles ranging from big band swing to latin. The group is audition based and uses traditional Jazz Band instrumentation: (2) Alto Saxophone, (2) Tenor Saxophone, (1) Baritone Saxophone, (3-4) Tenor Trombone, (1) Bass Trombone, (4-5) Trumpets, (2-3) Drums, (2) Piano, and (2) Bass. Auditions happen at the beginning of March.

*students signed up for Jazz Band I must also be concurrently enrolled in either Symphonic Band or Concert Band unless there are extenuating circumstances and there is an approval by Mr. Barro*

MVHS Pep Band Spring 2022

Basketball Pep Band
The Mountain View Basketball Pep Band performs at 8 regular season basketball games between December and February. This volunteer group has no extra time commitments other than the assigned basketball games.

All students in the MVHS Band program are required to attend and participate at the Stinky Sneaker rivalry game against Meridian High School. This year, it is hosted at MVHS. Date of the game is TBD.

MVHS Indoor Percussion Spring 2022

Winter Indoor Percussion
Indoor percussion is an extracurricular activity offered at Mountain View High School. The season runs from January through the beginning of April and is directed by our percussion director, Niko Jasniewicz.


Percussion Ensemble
All percussion students are required to be signed up for Percussion Ensemble. The percussion ensemble prepares and performs music made specifically for percussion groups. Students in this ensemble have the opportunity to audition to participate with the Symphonic Band OR volunteer to perform with the Concert Band as an extra-curricular activity. Auditions will take place at the beginning of each quarter.

Jazz Band II
The Mountain View Jazz Band II is open to any and all students.

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